Therapy Services
Serving ages 8+ in Iowa with In-Person and Telehealth via video.
Appointments are created either together or through your client portal. You can manage your appointments and account in your portal as well. Every client will receive a email with information to set up your portal.
Your co-pay is due at the time of your appointment. A debit/credit card is required in your account and will not be rendered without your consent.
In Person
The Mental Health Lab is actually a house located in Grinnell, IA. All In Person/Face to Face services will be done there. The house is being transformed just for mental health services.
Just like being in the comfort of your own home.
Telehealth/teletherapy can be a variety of virtual options. @The Mental Health Lab, the main mode is video that is hosted through a secure link that will be sent to you. Therapy will then be done in the comfort of your own home.
Every effort is given to make telehealth services safe and HIPAA compliant, but there are still risks in using virtual means. Please read my Privacy Policies and Practice.
Mental Health Evaluation
Every client starts with completing a mental health evaluation. This appointment is scheduled for 1 hour and varies in length. This is where I will gain all of your information on what brought you here.
I will ask about your symptoms, family history, identify any risks or substance use.
This part is essential to get to know you and to get a direction of how to meet your needs.
This is scheduled after the paperwork is completed that was emailed to you.
After the mental health evaluation is completed, we can then schedule our therapy appointments. The length of therapy appointments is dependent on your insurance. Depending on the length depends on how it's billed. Majority of therapy appointments is approximately 50 minutes in length.